15 money saving tips that make a difference

A lot of people need to save money right now, but especially in times of unstable income, it can be difficult to budget properly. Here are some tips, tricks, and tricks to save the money you so badly need.

1) Give up bad habits.

Bad habits are never good for you, but they are especially harmful if they consume a lot of money. For example, smoking is a habit that, in addition to physically harming you, requires a huge amount of money every week. Cutting unnecessary little habits like this will leave you with a lot more money in the long run and be good for you otherwise.

2) Free gifts.

Use this gift list – https://www.savethestudent.org/shopping/ultimate-list-free-stuff.html and save hundreds.

3) Avoid buying on impulse.

Impulse buying is a bad trait that many of us fall prey to, but it often results in tons of money spent all at once and almost as many regrets. When shopping, especially online, it is important to ask yourself the key questions; Do I really need this? Am I really going to use it? Could I find cheaper elsewhere? Will I regret spending so much money? If you’re not sure about any of this, take the time to leave and do something else. This works especially for online purchases – you can leave the item in your cart and do other things for a few hours. If you’re still convinced you need it, go ahead and buy it. Otherwise, remove it from your basket.

4) Always stay above the round numbers.

A helpful money-saving tip is to do your best to stay above the round numbers for as long as possible. For example, if you have just over $600 in your bank account, try to stay above the $600 mark and avoid spending anything that would cost you less. It may sound silly, but it’s a simple way to prevent yourself from going overboard with your spending habits.

5) Compare and contrast.

While you may be used to visiting the same stores for specific things, sometimes it’s good to branch out and get some perspective. One thing may be expensive on one website, but a little on another. It’s always good to at least check, and visiting several different sites will get you the best deals.

6) Use the 50/30/20 rule.

Whenever you receive money, whether it’s a payday, a birthday present, interest, or anything else, try to use the 50/30 rule /20. Spend 50% of the money on essentials, 30% on optional purchases and save 20%. You may not always be able to do this, but always try to stay around this mark. In the long run, you’ll end up saving a lot more money.

7) Have a no-spend day each week.

Choose a day when you know you won’t have much to do and make it your day of the week when you don’t spend anything. For that day, everything you do must be free. It’s a fun challenge to complete and you’ll be surprised how much money you end up saving.

8) Always haggle.

Whether it’s excessive rent, food or something else, you have nothing to lose and you never know; haggling over price might get you more results than you think.

9) Save on long term deals.

Most companies have some sort of membership card, and investing in a card will save you hundreds of dollars over time. For example, if you take a bus every day, buy a bus pass for the year and travel everywhere with it. Or collect loyalty points at your favorite café. In the long run, it’s little things like these that will save you the most.

10) Discounted gift cards.

Sometimes buying a gift card and then using it to buy an item is cheaper than just buying the item itself. Using it for a long time is a fun way to hack into the system while storing some saved money for a rainy day.

11) Timing.

Any purchase item has an optimal purchase time. It’s often a sale, but it doesn’t have to be that specific. For example, buy all your summer clothes in the winter and all your winter clothes in the summer when they are cheapest. Plan ahead and you’ll save a lot of money.

12) Do not lend money.

It’s often hard to say no to a friend, but when you can, avoid giving money and getting loans you silver. It will only cause you problems in the long run.

13) Make your own.

Whether you’re at home, at school, or on the go, it’s almost always cheaper to pack your own lunch. It doesn’t have to be your average sandwich – you can use your favorite foods and make the meal you crave the most, but buying the raw materials from the supermarket is so much cheaper than always buying takeout or eating out. every opportunity. .

14) Know your student discounts.

If you are a student, everything is always very expensive. Luckily, the majority of stores and businesses offer student discounts. They won’t always tell you hard, so it’s good to always ask and check beforehand what you’re entitled to.

15) Interest.

Many banks pay you interest for each year you open your account. It’s usually not a lot, but over the years it could add up and become critical for your future self. Every last penny counts!