8 houseplants you can grow even without a green thumb

It’s a good idea to have plants in your home because the plants will give a feeling of nature to your place. Houseplants are one of many popular types of plants that people usually have in their homes.

Indoor plants are plants that grow indoors in places such as residences, offices, minor dwellings, apartments, etc. Some people like to have houseplants because houseplants can be one of many decorations. Some indoor plants have beneficial effects on your health. Also, some of the indoor plants can affect mentality. These are 8 houseplants that many people commonly grow. They are easy to maintain and offer many advantages.

1. Eriocactus Leninghavsii

Eriocactus Leninghavsii is one of many types of cactus. The name Eriocactus Leninghavsii was given by botanist Karl Moritz Schumann. The remarkable element of this cactus is the color of the trunk, which is yellow. Some people have compared the chest to a golden baseball bat. Eriocactus Leninghavsii can be planted in a very small minor area. One of the many characteristics of the cactus is that it can survive harsh conditions like drought climates. Over time, they will also bloom flowers on top.

How to take care of them:

Place Eriocactus Leninghavsii in a bright place for about 4-6 hours a day.

Try to water the cactus when the soil surface is dry.

Refill fertilizer every week with the special fertilizer recipe.

Advantages :

Eriocactus Leninghavsii is one of many decorative plants. It can serve as a natural decoration in your home. It is a small indoor plant that you can plant in a small space inside your room or dwelling. It is very easy to maintain.


Pay attention to the thorns. Some sharp thorns can hurt you.

Difficulty level :

Level 2 Ordinary People

2. Dorstenia Foetida

It can grow and plant in a small vase. The origin of this plant is from East Africa. The leaves are long and thin. The trunk is quite large. In some areas it is simply called the baby coconut tree; the reason is that they look like coconut trees.

How to take care of them:

Care steps are similar to Eriocactus Leninghavsii, but don’t overwater it. Water the plant every week in small quantities because this plant does not like water too much.

Place the Dorstenia Foetida in a bright place for about 3-4 hours a day.

Add a few small lava rocks to decrease volatilization.

Refill fertilizer every week with the special fertilizer recipe.

Advantages :

It is a decorative plant like Eriocactus Leninghausii. Many people would place it in the living room as it presents itself as an inviting plant.


The trunk of this plant is not stable. Sometimes the trunk can collapse and die, and you need to plant a new one.

Difficulty level :

Level 3 Basic Gardening People

3. Moss

At first, it seems pretty weird for someone to raise Moss in his lodgings; However, moss is one of many popular decorative indoor plants. Moss can grow in many distinct areas, especially in tropical countries. Moss is one of many beneficial plants in the ecosystem. It can survive and spread very quickly in many places such as forests, rivers, mountains, etc.

How to take care of it :

This plant loves water so much.

Moss likes to survive in a damp place.

Replenish the water for foam about 3-7 times a day.

Place the moss in a bright place for about 30 minutes a day.

Advantages :

The foam soaks up water and reduces small dust in your room. For trading purposes, you can sell Moss to other people. you can breed them and sell them.


They should be watered several times a day. Moss does not like air-conditioned rooms because they lack humidity.

Difficulty level :

Level 2 Ordinary People

4. Snake Plant

This plant is highly recommended for lazy people to take care of it. The full name of this plant is Dracaena Trifasciata. The indigenous origin was from Nigeria to western Congo. It is a single leaf tree. There are so many sizes. The colors of the Snake plant are mostly green and yellow. This plant has many unique characteristics. Many people usually have this plant in their bedroom.

How to take care of it :

This plant has simple steps to take care of it. It is suitable for people who do not have time for plants.

You need to water around the plant at least 2 times a week.

Place the Snake plant in a bright spot for about 1-2 hours a day.

Clean the leaves of Snake plants.

Advantages :

This plant has crucial benefits for humans. This plant is like an air purifier. It will absorb minor negative substance and create good air around you. In addition, the system of this plant is different. Snake plants provide oxygen instead of carbon dioxide at all times, whether night or morning.


There are so many sizes of this plant. You need to choose the appropriate size. Some larger sizes may make your room messy.

Difficulty level :

Level 3 Basic Gardening People

5. Peace Lilly

Peace Lily looks like nature’s air purifier. It can survive in places with less light. The leaves are curved, green and smooth. Additionally, this plant will have a flower that creates a fragrant smell. Therefore, fun fact, some hotels plant them to diffuse scents.

How to take care of them:

Water this plant every week at least 1-2 times.

Avoid placing outdoors as this plant does not like sunlight.

Plant in a large vase.

Advantages :

According to NASA research, this plant is guaranteed to reduce and absorb a negative substance in your bedroom. It is one of many popular decorative plants in hotels or many accommodations.


The size of this plant is quite huge. Some areas may have a placement problem.

Difficulty level :

Level 3 Basic Gardening People

6. Jasmine

Jasmine is a white flower. It is a popular and well-known plant in Southeast Asia. It is grown from a small-large bunch. Jasmine can refer to the symbol of purity. In some beliefs and cultures, people may use jasmine to praise and celebrate holy things. Additionally, jasmine has a dominant scent that can affect your mind.

How to take care of it :

Replenish water 4-5 times a day, 5-6 days a week.

Check for insects and worms.

Advantages :

The most crucial benefit of this flower is fragrance. The scent of jasmine can reduce anxiety and boost your mental health. Jasmine can be a decorative plant. Some people create Jasmine Garland.


This plant is very easy to become a drooping plant. You have to take good care of them.

Difficulty level :

Level 4 Advanced Gardening People

7. Spider plant.

The full name of this plant is Chlorophytum Comosum. There are so many names of spider plants such as airplane plants, St. Bernard lily, spider ivy, etc. The color of this plant is mainly yellow and green. In some beliefs, this plant is the symbol of fortune.

How to take care of it :

Renew the water 2 to 3 times a day. Every 3-4 days a week.

Place the spider plant in a bright place for about 3-4 hours a day.

Add a little fertilizer every year.

Advantages :

This plant can remove the negative stuff from your room and provide good air.


Sometimes there are too many leaves. It can make your room messy.

Difficulty level :

Level 4 Advanced Gardening People

8. Aloe Vera

It is both a herbaceous plant and a houseplant. The native origin is from the Arabian Peninsula. The colors of this plant are green and gray. The interior looks like gel. The leaves are thick and fleshy. More importantly, this plant is a medicinal plant.

How to take care of it :

Do not fill it with too much water. [At least 1-2 in a week]

Always shovel the ground.

Advantages :

Medically, it is used as a treatment for burns. You can use it to maintain and care for your face.


You can eat this plant, but you must cook it correctly. Also, the spine can injure you.

Difficulty level :

Level 4 Advanced Gardening People

These are just a few examples of indoor plants you can grow without having a green thumb. Nature can make the atmosphere of your home more livable and fresh. On the other hand, you have to be careful and watch out for them. There are tons of indoor plants. Find the best of you and take care of them.