・DeerCreek Premium Shower System features a top enjoyment of showering time with music, 64 color LED lights, water massage, rain shower, waterfall shower and handheld spray. Each function work independently, so you can either let all functions work at the same time or only turn one or some of them.
・23x15inch rainfall waterfall bluetooth music 64 led lights shower head, touch panel control led light, 110V-260V
・4 way thermostatic rough in valve with trim, we can control water pressure,water temperature and water flow by knobs, it requires 3/4 inch hot and cold water pipes lines
・3x 4inch brass flushed on body jets and we can turn right/left and down/up each body jets and the water can reach 3 feet under 60PSI~80PSI
・Finish options are Matte Black, Chrome, and Polished / Brushed / Rose Gold. Grolta provides the finish-matched floor drains, bathtub faucets, sink faucets, which are sold separately; if you want to make your bathroom looks consistent, please feel free to reach us if you can not find more info here. Grolta Group USA - the California company provides a life time limited manufacturer and phone call and email customer service.
Color: chrome
Anti-Scald: Thermostatic valve provides water at the constant, desired temperature and protects you and your family from being scalded.
Water pressure:0.4~1MPA
hot and cold water pipe lines: 1/2 inch
Head: 23x15'' 64 LED colors bluetooth Music
Head installation: Flush in
Valve material: Brass
Brass handheld shower, 59inch shower hose,4 function brass thermostatic valve that each functions work at the same time and separately. 3pcs 4X4 inch brass body jets.
Thread: NPT1/2''
Head size:23 X15 inch
Head function: waterfall, Rainfall, 64 LED colors, Bluetooth Music,touch panel
Cartridge lifetime:300,000 times open and close
残り 1 点 190560.00円
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