4 strategies to keep your closet organized

Have you ever been in that predicament where you can’t find anything in your closet and there’s this pile of clothes that gets bigger and bigger every day? I’m sure everyone has been through this, which ultimately raises the common question of how to organize your closet.

With the right tools and the right adjustments, you’d be surprised how easy and accessible your clothes would be. Not to mention it would definitely be a long term improvement, giving a great photo opportunity to show off to all your friends!

The key to any wardrobe makeover includes the essential step of sorting your clothes. It means separating what you want to keep and what you want to get rid of or give away. Often the amount of space you have in your closet can limit the cleanliness of the area. Going through the sorting process, you might realize your attachment to certain clothes because of their past sentimental value.

On the other hand, if you haven’t worn something in a month or more, consider throwing it away! It may take some effort, but you’ll feel much better, trust me. With that done, you’ll finally be ready to explore your options for organizing your hectic closet!

Color co-ordination

The color coordination method has definitely become popular among many teenagers. Thanks to the idea of ​​ordering your clothes by shade, it creates an appealing appearance to the eye while allowing you to easily match clothes. Start this process by sorting your clothes according to each color. Basically, you can use any color combination that works for you.

One way to get inspiration is through the web. With the keywords “colour coordinated wardrobe”, you can compile a list of ideas for color combinations and sizes. Whether you use drawers, shelves, or hangers, arrange your clothes neatly and from there, it’s pretty self-explanatory. Overall, how you execute this technique is up to you to be creative with it!

Sectioning by style

While some prefer appearance over utility, for others the opposite is true. By sectioning by style, it allows you to easily find what you are looking for through shirts in one area and tank tops in another or separating by patterns, seasons, etc. This mechanism allows your clothes to be more accessible according to your lifestyle.

Online Sources

In the age of technology, there are plenty of other online organizing options that can help you through your process. For starters, there are social media platforms like Instagram and Pinterest for inspiration as well as entertainment hubs like YouTube and Netflix which, surprisingly, can come in handy. By using hashtags in the search bar, you can easily get ideas in minutes and with apps like Pureple, it allows you to divide your wardrobe into pictures.

This gives generated outfits and others a chance to give feedback and style suggestions! To add, there are plenty of videos online with tips and tricks or vlogs of the process! Although you might not expect it, Netflix also has plenty of shows featuring organizational methods.

To list a few, some fun shows to watch include home edition, and Tidying up with Marie Kondo. Speaking of which, this brings us to the next topic, “The Marie Kondo Method”.

The Marie Kondo (KonMari) Method

See this post on Instagram

Folding with the KonMari method transforms your drawer. It may seem time-consuming at first, but once you have everything organized this way, you’ll find it saves time. No more searching for lost t-shirts and emptying your drawer every morning! ⠀ ⠀ Beautiful photo by certified KonMari consultant @worthwhile.me. Photo by @adahmed2018.

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Over time, Marie Kondo’s magical ways gained popularity. With her hit TV show airing on Netflix called “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo”, her iconic name has spread across the world. Specifically, his best-known mechanics are his folding techniques.

Through her thoughtful designs on clothing organization, she has used a specific format that condenses your clothing consumption. On Mary’s website konmari.comhe states that “The KonMari Method™ encourages tidying up by category – not by location…Keep only the things that speak to the heart and discard the items that no longer elicit joy. Thank them for their service, then let them go.

All in all, there are so many ways to approach this process, so it’s up to you how you want to organize your wardrobe. As pointed out earlier, time can be long but once you finish your dream wardrobe, you will improve your mindset while saving time in the morning when it comes to choosing your daily outfits.