5 minute exit guide

When it comes to make-up, hairstyle and clothes, leaving the house takes a lot of preparation for each of us. Let’s also admit that men’s complaints about this are justified. However, sometimes there are times when it is realized that you are late and need to get out and take the bus to work, electricity, school, the plane or to the bus. Of course, when we look in the mirror at that moment, we can see what we see and accept that we will never go out like this. However, there are secret methods that will collect our image in a very short time for emergencies. Now we are going to share these urgent beauty secrets, are you ready?

  1. Keep the curling iron in a handy place

In the bathroom or bedroom, in front of or near the mirror, always have your curling iron close at hand. So, while you are dressed in a hurry, curling iron it heats up quickly and in just a minute you will have at least a few curling irons on your messy hair. This way, your hair that just got out of bed, messy and disastrous-looking, will suddenly change shape and come into an acceptable shape, and people won’t look at you on the outside like that scruffy, scruffy fool.

  1. What bra?

If you’re used to being late for something, often falling asleep, and can’t wake up in the morning, we recommend keeping a few handy bras ready to wear under any outfit in your wardrobe. If your breasts are too big recovery bra if not, always keep a bra that will make you comfortable according to your preference.

  1. Don’t neglect your personal care

If you regularly personal care If you are someone who takes care of yourself, it will be very easy for you to go out in an emergency. Because your eyebrows will be groomed, your facial hair plucked, your teeth clean, and your nails manicured, you can rush out the door with just a few minutes of preparation. But if you constantly neglect your self-care, when that emergency day comes, you may encounter a terrifying monster in the mirror just as you are about to walk through your door. The sad thing is that when you had to go out like that, you meet the most beautiful boy in the world and he might look at you and look for a place to escape. Because fate is exactly such a sarcastic phenomenon.

  1. Clean shoes are a lot

When going out, one may be somewhat unkempt, dress unkempt and have messy hair. These can still be tolerated. But if your shoes are dirty, if you walk around in a dirty, muddy shoe, your charisma will erode because in today’s world, friends look feet before enemies. Let’s just say that the shoes will always be clean.