Labels, Tags and More!
Enjoy mobile printing with Phomemo M110
STABLE BLUETOOTH CONNECTION via Phomemo app for iPhone and Android phones. Bluetooth has a range of up to 10 meters, so you can get your labels printed without being in the same room.
Phomemo M110 is a LIGHTWEIGHT & PALM SIZE label maker, the perfect companion if you like to pack light for your business trips. The 1500mAh battery enables a CONTINUOUS WORKING TIME as long as 4 hours. The PRINTING SPEED is adjustable and goes up to 45mm per second. The printer can recognize the gaps between labels and adjust the printing position automatically.
TEMPLATES classified by different purposes and label forms are available in the Phomemo app, supporting a variety of label sizes. It’s easy to insert the preset icons onto the labels to get the desired results, or use the SCAN FUNCTION to copy barcodes and QR-codes from other labels, or use the OCR READ & EDIT FUNCTION to copy the texts. The edit takes only several clicks, just press the print button and the label is ready to go.
1. Remove the tape around the label roll.
2. Put the paper holder in the label roll, right through the cardboard tube. Adjust the paper holder to clamp the roll.
3. Place the roll into the paper bay as shown, drag the end of the label roll onto the thermal printer head and close the cover.
残り 1 点 13420.00円
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18540.00 円
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12650.00 円