The best plants for people who can’t keep them alive

Are you struggling to keep plants alive? Is it harder for you to plant from scratch? Here are some of the easiest and cheapest plants to maintain. They require very little maintenance and are perfect for keeping around your home. They are also very fun to see growing and turn out to be very beautiful plants. In this article you can see how to plant some of these plants from a leaf as well as a potted plant that you can buy at the store.

1. Monster

The Monstera plant, also known as the Swiss Cheese plant due to the holes in its leaves. This Central American plant proves to be the easiest plant to care for as it adapts to all light conditions and is mostly drought tolerant, which means forgetting to water your plant on certain days. is not a problem. These are usually affordable depending on the type of plant you buy (deliciosa, variegata, dubia and more) and the store you buy it from. If you want a bit of a challenge, you can grow the Monstera plant from its stems or from its leaves. You need to plant the leaf in moist soil and water it every time the soil dries up (do not overwater, the leaves are yellow). Be sure to keep it in a bright place so it can grow.

2. Sansevieria Plant

The sansevieria plant is more commonly referred to as the snake plant. This is another cheap and easy to care for plant. It can live in any type of lighting, it doesn’t need a lot of water, and it’s not sensitive to temperature changes. You can also plant it by cutting the stems of the plant and growing them in moist cactus soil. Ignore the plant until the soil is completely dry. It is probably the easiest plant to grow from a stem.

3. The ZZ Factory

The ZZ factory has been described as “virtually indestructible”. It thrives best without interaction. They need very little water and prefer to be on the dry side. If their leaves are yellow, it means they are overwatered. Unfortunately, they can be more expensive due to their durability. If you want to grow the ZZ plant from scratch, you can find a leaf and put it in moist soil. Provide it with indirect sunlight, make sure the soil dries out between waterings, maintain an average temperature, and remember to replace the ZZ plant every spring.

4. Spider Plant

The spider plant is one of the most common houseplants because it is basically the easiest to care for and one of the cheapest. They thrive in more shady locations and don’t like direct sunlight, which is optimal for a home. The only time you should water the plant is when the top two inches of soil become dry. It can be a little harder to handle if you overwater it as the leaves will fall off and it may be harder to revive.

5. Philondendron Heartleaf

This plant is very adaptable and forgiving if you forget to water it once in a while. It thrives best in indirect light. It is also an affordable plant and usually does not exceed the price of $20. To grow it, it usually works best when you use a potting soil and fertilizer that you can replace every two to three months. They also like to be taller, so be sure to give them a stable place to grow.