How to join a new group of friends halfway through high school

High school is hard. While not being exactly like all those over-the-top teen movies, it’s always difficult to navigate internationally for all college students – one way or another. It can be especially troubling when that lingering feeling settles in your chest and you know the people you’re hanging out with during breaks aren’t the right people for you. Sometimes you may start to wonder:

Why don’t they laugh so much at my jokes? I’m really not that interested in [insert topic here] as such is, what else can we talk about?

They can be very difficult to deal with at the start of an amicable separation, especially if they are the only ones you hang out with at lunch.

Where to go next? Who could I reach so late? Why me?

Why you? You grow up, you discover interests and passions, and it’s completely normal to fall apart as people. I went through the exact same thing just over 2 years ago, and I’m here to share my experience and help you with tips to get you through this tough time and how to stay on good terms with your old band. of friends.

To feel different.

Even before high school, I struggled to maintain thriving friendships that at the time terrified me into thinking I was a bad person. As I reflect on those next few years in the future, I notice that they weren’t the right people for me. It was as if I had been blindfolded, preventing me from seeing the full picture in full, vivid color. Particularly when I started high school among seas of people I had never met, there was an overwhelming feeling of joining any group I could reach and clinging to it.

Everything was fine to start. However, over the years arguments began to break out, splits began to occur within the group, and conversations became overloaded with a topic I knew nothing about, nor could I relate to. encourage them to learn more. The girl I was closest to for a year suddenly disappeared, and I realized that in my rush to belong, I forgot to look for the right people. Things went well long enough, but as he sank below the surface, the pressure seeped in.

I was suddenly in the same position. No best friend, no group to hang out with at recess or in class, and the sinking feeling that I was different. That I wasn’t good enough to have a best friend because I didn’t have a happy friendship like in all those movies.

How can I break things?

For one thing, always remember that communication is key – in almost any situation. People, in general, will accept and/or acknowledge your feelings, and if approached in a calm and kind manner, the chances are even greater for a relaxed and easy outcome. Sometimes, if things are tough and tensions are rising, it’s best to walk away slowly. Start talking to new people in class! I know that you and this person will have at least one thing in common: your school! When I was in this situation, I often brought up homework for common subjects at the time such as math, English and science. I’ve found that people always have something to say, and that can spark other conversations about interests, etc.

As for your old group of friends, I think it’s best to keep it civil. Even if you realize they had a horrible influence on you or stabbed you in the back, it helps your sanity and self-confidence to greet them in the hallways or wave at them. This prevents some bridges from being cut and also makes your daily life at school less stressful. There’s virtually no wiggle room for rumor to spread or traction to sneak in.

The best ways to spark a new friendship!

Kindness is the key.

If you haven’t found any others yet, a huge weight is placed and pushed onto your shoulders.

What will I do in class for partnerships? Where should I sit at noon to be invisible? What will people think if I’m all alone?

For me, class has always been the best way to meet new people. In all honesty, I met my best friend through another girl I shared a class with; you really never know who you will meet. Stick to your instincts, be kind, and reach out. It may seem dark and overwhelming, but there are so many great people out there, and if things don’t work out: hey, at least you tried!

Join new groups, extracurricular or sports.

The second tip I have for you is to try new things. While you may wonder how this correlates with changing groups of friends at school, it can really help if you’re shy or fear judgment while waltzing in a group – however, if there’s judgment, they may not be the best people. hang out with.

For my part, I joined a school football team to take some time off and exercise, and I made some great friends! You can even go to the library, engage in conversations with other people at your level, ask for help or if you can join their study group. This will not only strengthen your relationship with them, but also help you continue with your schoolwork. There’s also a very high chance that these people have similar interests and connect with you on a personal level.

Reach out to others on social media.

There’s no denying that social media has become embedded in everyday life – it continues to connect so many people, and even though I wouldn’t still recommend hiding behind a screen, it might be an easy place for a first move. For example, let’s say someone shared a post on their story of a recipe, fan art, or something informative. You can respond with your own personal thoughts or add something to what they shared. Start talking and sending memes, or things revolving around what you first talked about. In most friendships, everything is built on this.

Also keep in mind that this can take time and the first people you meet may not be the ones you click with.

It can be so easy in today’s society to feel different or out of place – and believe me, so many people have been here before and will be here after you. It doesn’t make it easy, but there are simple ways to reach out to others and find a new group to hang out with. It’s hard to leave a band that you thought was your “best friends forever”, but sometimes it’s best to accept the temporary and still share the positive memories. Remember that you are not alone and there are so many people to meet, not just at school, but afterwards! Chin up, don’t let your crown fall.