10 life lessons we’ve all learned but need to start living

No matter who you are or where you’re from, you’ve surely heard tons of life advice from adults, whether it’s parents, aunts and uncles, teachers or strangers that you met five minutes ago on the subway. We all know their words, but often we forget to actually live them.

Although they may seem clichéd, many really do hold some value. Without further ado, here are ten life tips most of us have heard, and how to incorporate them into our daily lives!

1. Grades don’t define you, but education is still important

“Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.

As the famous quote shows, everyone works and learns in different ways. There is no single measure of intelligence that accurately represents a person, be it IQ, SATs or otherwise. A person’s intellect should not be determined by his ability to memorize facts, remember them for twenty-four hours, write them down on a blank sheet of paper and then forget almost all of them. contents. A bad grade does not diminish your value as a member of society, and you shouldn’t let it define who you are.

However, statistics show that it is undeniable that a education is important. Studies show that “a child whose mother can read is 50% more likely to survive beyond the age of 5”, “equitable access to quality education can help a country increase its gross domestic product per capita by 23%” over 40 years. years, and that “if all women had a primary education, there would be 1.7 million fewer malnourished children”.

In other words, if you have the privilege of safely receiving a quality education year after year, don’t waste it.

2. You will never excel at everything

We’ve all experienced it before: wishing we were perfect people who could do everything perfectly. It has been proven that the pursuit of perfection often leads to various mental health issues. We push ourselves to do the impossible, then end up feeling disappointed and exhausted when we accept the futility of our goals.

Instead of seeing imperfection as a flaw, see it as an opportunity. The fact that we only enjoy and are skilled in certain things gives us passion and concrete goals. So don’t focus on what you can’t do. Spend each day focusing on appreciating and developing your talents.

3. You have to learn to ignore things and pick yourself up

Life is unpredictable. One day may be the best day of our lives, while the next may be the worst. The world will never stop for you, so you must learn to recover when bad days inevitably come. Otherwise you will find this You will miss on much of the good life has to offer.

4. Sometimes you just have to stop overthinking and take the risk.

“What if…?”

“Maybe I could rather…”

“When the time is right…”

Stop. There is a difference between being cautious and overthinking. Everyone experiences worry and apprehension, but we must learn to realize when these are hold us back. Sometimes you have to be a little spontaneous, because these moments often lead to great things you never saw coming.

5. Stop dwelling on what you could have done and instead focus on living a life you won’t regret.

“Regret for the things we have done can be tempered by time; it is the regret of the things we have not done that is inconsolable. -Sydney J. Harris

Passing our present stuck in the past, dwelling on what could have been and what we should have done, prevent us from tending towards what could still be. You can’t change the past, and regret will keep us from seeing all that the present has to offer. Focus now on a change that will lead to a better future later!

6. Don’t focus so much on standing out from the crowd that you forget to be yourself.

We’ve heard it all: “Be unique!” “Don’t mix!” “Come out!”

While it’s amazing to do something new and unusual, people can often focus on pursuing “extraordinary” goals rather than chasing their real dreams. There’s nothing wrong with being perfectly normal. Don’t let anyone invalidate and degrade your passions.

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7. Learn to dance in the rain

The real world? Once in a while it will suck. Instead of finding a hole to dig in when times get tough, remember that that’s what it means to be alive and kiss him!

8. Not everyone is going to like you.

Ah, yes: the most dreaded statement. While it’s nice to have lots of people who really like you and enjoy your company, you have to admit that not all.

Take the example of the unwarranted hate we see on celebrities and influencers: no matter how much we appreciate someone’s content and see them as a good role model, there will always be that pesky negative comment floating around in a sea ​​of ​​thousands of positive comments. .

Trying to get everyone to like you will only lead to personal stress and hurt when you can’t find a way to do it, and focusing on that person who doesn’t like you will keep you from spend time with those who do. People’s opinion of you will not invalidate who you really are. so you shouldn’t spend your life thinking they do.

9. Taking time to be happy and have fun isn’t “unproductive.”

Stress and burnout have continued to plague society for centuries and, despite various inventions and advancements, seem to have only gotten worse over time. People need to work to survive, and no matter how much you love what you do, sometimes things could get a little too much.

We all need time for peace and freedom from worries and responsibilities, and while not studying or working might be seen as unproductive, the various benefits of doing so say otherwise.

To have the most amazing and effective break, check out these ten self-care ideas for when you’ve had a stressful week.

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10. Choose love, always

Quite simply, in a world full of hate, judgment and cynicism, when you don’t know what to do, choose to be kind.

In conclusion…

While it’s great to follow these tips, no matter how many curve balls life throws and how many times you hear people tell you what to do, in the end, it is you who chooses your path. You only live once, so do your best to fill your days with positivity and live them to the fullest!