How to take care of your eyesight while working from home

Since the start of the COVID19 pandemic, the world has seen a dramatic shift from mechanical to electrical means. Now we all have online courses. They usually start at 8 a.m. and end at noon. According to Dr. Angela Mattke, pediatrician at the Mayo Clinic, teenagers should not spend more than 2 hours a day in front of a screen. But in this life in quarantine, between online classes, face-timing friends and family, and social media use, it seems like we’re spending more than 12 hours on screen. Too much screen time would affect sleep loss and obesity, but more importantly, they will have a drastic effect on our eyesight.

(Photo by Andrea Piacquadio of Pexels)

So how do we make sure we don’t end up with weaker glasses or eyes when this is all over? Follow the steps below!

1. Minimize screen time

We need to make sure we don’t spend unnecessary screen time. instead of Facetiming your friends every day, try calling them by voice. If you miss them too much, you can try Facetiming once a week. Minimize social media hours. Make a schedule of how much time you’d like to spend online and stick to it.

2. Adjust your bedroom lighting

Lightning settings have a huge impact on our eyes and can strain or strain them. While watching a movie or TV show on your smartphone, computer or phone, try to have light and warm settings. Keep the room softly lit. If you’re reading a book, keep a soft light bulb nearby so that as much light as possible falls on the book. But make sure the bulb does not shine directly into your eyes.

3. Take occasional breaks

During online classes, you can take a break of 10 to 15 minutes between two classes. Do not use your phone or any other device during this break. Instead, dim the lights around you, close your eyes, and let them rest.

4. Use over-the-counter eye drops

Try buying over-the-counter eye drops, which will keep your eyes from drying out and keep them moist and lubricated. You can ask your pharmacist for suggestions on eye drops, or you can call your eye doctor and ask for an appropriate eye drop.

5. Adjust your monitor

Mayoclinic suggests positioning your monitor directly in front of you about an arm’s length away so the top of the screen is at or just below eye level. It helps to have a chair that you can adjust too. You can also adjust your screen settings, and adjust your brightness and contrast to suit your comfort.

6. Blinks more

Sometimes when we are too engaged in a computing activity, we forget to blink. Try blinking more when working on the screen to relieve yourself.

7. Meditate

Meditation will reduce the strain on your eyes and give your eyes and brain some much-needed relief. Apart from this, meditation has many other health benefits like reducing stress, fighting anxiety and promoting emotional health.

8. Engage in household activities

If you have free time or are bored, try doing something at home that doesn’t involve screen time. You can try cooking or cooking something, cleaning, or having a good time with your sibling so that you don’t mindlessly browse social media just because you’re bored.

If you have any of the following symptoms,

  • Blurry vision
  • Dry, itchy or red eyes
  • Double vision
  • Headache

Call your eye doctor and report the symptoms. Avoid going to the doctor’s clinic at a time like this unless absolutely necessary. Instead, call him, describe your symptoms in detail, and your doctor will suggest possible changes in your lifestyle or certain medications.